Co-written with Jordyn Pallett. You can find more of Jordyn’s writings at https://jordynsrockyjourney.wordpress.com
G: Love to spend time with my boyfriend even though it is really difficult to do the things that we want to do together because it is not easy for our bodies to coordinate themselves.
J: Either we could be caringly concerned that our plans don’t match what actually happens or we could go with the flow and support each other.
G: It is awesome to care for each other so much that we can give up our own ideas and adjust to our needs as needed.
J: I love that our main want is togetherness. Sometimes that looks like me in a ball of covers in my bed while Graciela is going for a long walk on the beach or a trail. My body isn’t as much of a morning person as she is.
G: Because these differences are ingrained in us, it is necessary to be sometimes open to doing things separately in order to be able to have some great times together when your bodies have gotten what they each need.
J: Joy is caring so much it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we are close. I am too lucky that I get times like these.
G: I agree.
J: Caring for someone so much that you can only see every once in a while, makes the emotions when you can that much more intense. Love has a way of making good intense joyous emotions trigger crazy body shenanigans.
G: We have more than enough personal experience with this craziness to write the best paper on it.
J: If only the research gurus would interview us.
G: A lot of the experiences we have should be more thoroughly researched.
J: Do you think that emotional dysregulation is real? We know it is, and need time with each other to regulate ourselves to be able to do the things we want. Time is our friend.
G: It is amazing to be given the opportunity to work through our excitement and emotions to be able to be together.
J: Can you believe we are almost two years into our relationship and I have trouble keeping my arm around her or holding her hand, because I so love her? Good thing she is patient! and has her own pesky body. So, while our bodies may hijack our intentions, I just want to say that every moment is magically delicious with her.
G: I am too grateful for such a loving and understanding boyfriend. A great world is one in which we are loved for who we are, because that is enough!
J: I agree! Could not have said that better. For clarification, the part about a great world being one of joyful accepting love and the part about being grateful, but sub in girlfriend for boyfriend.
G: Love it!
Jordyn & Graciela